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Kenmore, South East Qld, Australia
I'm a vegetarian who loves dining out, dark chocolate and catching up with friends over a run or a bike ride followed by a yummy breakfast. I live with my carnivorous husband, dalmatian dog and burmese cat.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cootha 3 loops

After last night's coughing episode I wasn't sure how I would go this morning.  I woke feeling OK but shortly after was coughing a little a bit wheezy.  So, I was going to ride, but just play it by ear.  Muffy Craig and I left home at 4:30 for Cootha and we rode up to Cootha nice and easy.

I wasn't feeling great, I was feeling a bit heady and wheezy but once I got into the first lap I felt OK.  I deliberately just tried to keep my breathing relaxed and I didn't worry too much about trying to keep my cadence above 50; I just rode trying to stay relaxed.  This seemed to do the trick as I got around 3 laps without too much hassle.  The last lap was a bit more of a struggle than the other two but all in all I did a lot better than I was expecting.

Very happy with that.

We had a 12 weeks out from IM NZ get together on the weekend at Tim Franklin's lovely home at Red Hill.  Finally, all 5 of us girls were in the one place to get a group photo taken.  And here we are:

This is Bec, Sophie, Jacque G, Faye and myself Emma.
Don't we look fabulous!  I wonder how different we will look 1 week out of IM?